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ID Workforce 

IDSA’s Workforce Strategy

In the fall of 2023, the IDSA Board of Directors approved a bold new vision, with accompanying goals and strategies, to recruit and foster the diverse and talented ID workforce we need to effectively respond to infectious diseases threats around the globe. This workforce development vision is: The infectious diseases workforce is a robust, diverse and innovative community that advances scientific discovery and protects and heals the world.

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Collective Commitment

Meeting the current ID workforce challenges will involve a Society-wide effort combining the collective commitment of our staff and volunteer leaders to:

  • Attract and inspire medical students, residents and fellows to pursue a dynamic and rewarding career in ID.
  • Foster thriving careers for ID professionals that are evolving, rewarding and sustainable.
  • Ensure the ID workforce is accessible to, and reflects the diversity of, the communities it serves.

Read more from the IDSA president about how IDSA is prioritizing our workforce strategy.

IDSA's Statement on 2023 ID Fellowship Match

Latest Multimedia on ID Workforce

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