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33rd International Papillomavirus Conference & Basic Science, Clinical and Public Health Workshops

Barcelona, Spain

IPVC 2020
The 33rd International Papillomavirus Conference
& Basic Science, Clinical and Public Health Workshops
Barcelona, Spain
March 23-27, 2020

“Science and education for action against HPV”

Researchers, clinicians and other health professionals will come together, to share knowledge and ideas on papillomaviruses and their associated diseases, from basic science to global health impact.

In line with the IPVS (International Papillomavirus Society) mission of addressing the most recent advances across the spectrum of PV research, the conference is themed across 3 tracks - Basic Science, Clinical Research, and Public Health / Epidemiology. 

For more information, visit the Conference website:

Stay tuned for more exciting IPVC 2020 updates!



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